October 22, 2009

The Missing Drop

Me in 2008 -
Dreaming of Nilgiris! With a wandering mind around the fresh air, the soothing greenery, the sharp sunlight, the twinkling stars, the shining dew, the blue mountains... imagining breathing in beauty every moment... hmmm truly amazing!..

I went through this state of fantasy, trying to feel the cool breeze kissing my cheeks all along last year's TFN when my best buddy was cycling around the mystic, cool breeze draped Nilgiris!

Me in 2009 -
Still with a wandering mind around the blue mountains but with a difference! Attempting to take a leap into reality and embrace nature through TFN using my blogger brain!

Tour of Nilgiris is the most charming and serene concepts I've come across. It’s a beautiful saga of getting close to every bit of nature! Last year's excitement and enthusiasm of folks in and around the city, determined to sweat it out for quite an amount of time, meeting nature and her splendid pieces of art, was quite an eye opener for people who thought, cyclist never existed! I loved TFN for bringing in that difference.

It’s not been quite long since I wrote a post on "End of the World" with an angry and agitated feeling, like a child, towards all those who have and still are abusing nature without guilt; I got alerts about the TFN official blogger contest! Life rarely throws the best at us, but when it does, it’s wise to grab it!

To me, this opportunity to try and eventually if I am considered to be worth it, being an official blogger of TFN does not just mean winning the exciting goodies and going on an all expense paid tour! More than anything else, it would mean to write my heart out and be a part of this "green revolution" that's slowly has started making a difference in a big way! Its a panorama of a life time to go through an enchanting experience of sharing my time and energy with all the wonderful people who have turned their face off from all that's in opposition to nature and on their voyage towards helping masses understand an enjoyable way of impressing nature!

Being a part of TFN by cycling my way is the best favour I can do myself but god's blessed me with a weight on the heavier side :) So, gathering my best text and sharpening my lens for splendid captures is the next best mission I am on!

Like Mother Teresa said, we feel that we do is just a drop in the ocean but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. I believe TFN is the ocean and hope "I" am the missing drop!

Cheers :)

October 10, 2009

End of the World! 2012

We've been surrounded with mysterious, exciting (with reference to Atlantis and Lemuria!), scary, unbelievable facts revolving around the concept called "End of World" in a couple of years from now. I've stood amidst various groups of people sharing and discussing this "vision" that many elements put together, have been predicting! The discussion is pretty hot and continuous for all eternity most of the time, I must tell you! Phew! But, not a single soul did say - "Let's plant more trees", "Let's re-cycle whatever possible", "Let's try and save our natural resources", "Let's go cycling to work or let's use public transport anymore" or any other sentence that would give solace to this bleeding mom.

But why the surprise? why is the hype? Weren't we aware that the nature finds her own way to balance troubles we continuously pose on her? We were and we still are, but ignoring and moving on with our comfortable lives is just so easy!!!

There are many little ways in our daily lives we could contribute to a nice earth. But leave aside taking our own initiatives helping mom earth, most of us don't even join hands!!

Ask me, don't look forward to an Official End of Earth. Just Look Around You.

Current mood : Angry